“There is no way to Happiness. Happiness is the way.” Thich Nhat Hanh


In response to the reaction from the “Leadership Manifesto – 22 Principles for ‘22” episode, I have been persuaded to build out the Manifesto into a season, with each episode delving into the principles one by one, and in greater detail. Starting with #22 we will work backwards principle-by-principle until we arrive an #1. That way, instead of just chapter headings with some brief elaboration, by the end of the season you will literally “have the book” on how to Lead in Chaos.


It might seem unorthodox to start with Happiness as a principle for leadership, but in my experience happy, optimistic, positive leaders encounter far more long-term, sustainable success than their opposites. 


In addition, from Plato and Aristotle through the American constitution to Hakuna Matata, the pursuit of happiness has been a puzzle we have eternally been trying to solve. So why not? 😊


Insights include:

  • Confusing Pleasure with Happiness
  • Why realising your dream doesn’t mean happiness
  • What the world’s longest study revealed about happiness
  • How anticipation trumps the real thing

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