“It’s only when the tide goes out you see who’s been swimming in the nude” – Warren Buffett


As a leader the decision to let people go is never easy, but sometimes necessary. Nonetheless, it is often in these Moments that Matter where leaders show what stuff they are really made of. The current high-profile Tech lay-offs provide a unique test for leaders in a sector that has enjoyed rock-star growth throughout the last 2 decades. Twitter and Stripe announced their news at almost exactly the same time. The approach of the respective CEOs Elon Musk (Twitter) and Patrick Collison (Stripe) couldn’t have been more different. Collison’s handling of the announcement was honest, caring and instructive while Musk’s was terse, limp and impersonal. One’s leadership (and, by extension, brand) reputation has been elevated, while the other is in the gutter. Enjoy the contrast.



Insights include:

-The Leadership Contribution – the 2 things needed in a crisis?

-How Musk got it so dreadfully wrong

-The 7 things Stripe (Patrick Collison) did brilliantly by contrast

-The impact on Leadership when you have no accountability

-The 2 core leadership lessons you cannot fake



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Episode 26 – The Leadership Contribution

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